Webinar Series on Gay Male Dating, Sex, and Relationships


Frustrated and confused by the gay male dating and sex scene? The Gay Therapy Center is offering a live webinar series entitled, "Love and Sex for Gay Men." The class starts Tuesday, September 26 at 6 p.m. Pacific time and continues for the following four Tuesday nights.

Gay male dating, relationships, and sex are different and come with unique challenges. This webinar is designed to help gay men navigate the path to connect with other men with greater ease and confidence, and armed with practical skills.

This five-week series will cover Finding a Boyfriend; Communicating about Sex; Developing Self-Esteem and Confidence; Maintaining a Relationship; and Open Relationships and Monogamy.

"No one teaches us this stuff of life, and yet satisfying relationships are one of the most critical factors in our well-being," says Adam D. Blum, MFT, the Director and Founder of the Gay Therapy Center. "The webinar is a great way to learn what we teach clients in therapy, at a fraction of the cost."

The Gay Therapy Center is the world's largest LGBT therapy center, with 20 licensed LGBT psychotherapists. The Center has offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York and provides services worldwide via video conferencing.

The cost is $245. You can register for the webinar at www.thegaytherapycenter.com/love-and-sex-webinar.

For information, contact Adam D. Blum, MFT, Director and Founder, at 415-795-2935 or info@thegaytherapycenter.com

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