October Is National Pet CBD Month!
Source: Paw CBD

October Is National Pet CBD Month!


By Paw CBD

There's a lot to love about October: Fall leaves, cooler temperatures, pumpkin-spice everything, and planning your pet's Halloween costume. But did you know that October is also National Pet CBD Month?

How It Started
National Pet CBD Month was founded in 2019 by cbdMD, the pet parent of Paw CBD, to highlight CBD as an important part of pet health and wellness, shine a spotlight on this amazing resource for our furry friends, and to educate pet parents everywhere about the benefits of CBD for cats and dogs. The purpose of National Pet CBD Month is not only to encourage people to try CBD for pets, but to share how CBD can actually help their pet's quality of life. Even though CBD is incredibly popular for pets, a lot of people still don't know about the amazing benefits of this natural, hemp-based resource for cats and dogs.

Why We Celebrate CBD for Pets

Source: Paw CBD

So, why should you be so excited about CBD for pets? Because CBD can benefit your pet in so many aspects of their daily life. For both cats and dogs, happy owners use CBD to help in the following ways.

Maintain a Sense of Calm
One of the main reasons many people turn to CBD is to help a pet maintain its calm. From cat crazies to destructo dogs, pets can have trouble keeping calm just like we do. CBD, and in particular specialty formulas for calming, can help your pet relax. If your dog gets upset when left alone or has noise aversion, or your cat doesn't like car rides or new people in the house, a CBD calming product for dogs or cats might be just what your frantic friend needs.

Manage Signs of Daily Stress
Also, just like us, our pets can be easily overwhelmed or stressed out. From routine changes (like their favorite humans going back to school or the office) to daily aggravations, some pets just need a little help finding their Zen. CBD oil tinctures and treats make a perfect addition to their daily routine, so you can both find a little peace of mind.

Support Physical Comfort
Many people turn to CBD to help support their physical comfort, and it's the same for their pets. Dogs live to chase and fetch and cats love to pounce and play, and CBD can help support their active lifestyle. And if you have a large-breed dog or an older dog – or just a rowdy pup who plays too hard sometimes – a special mobility formula is a great option.

Complement Daily Wellness
Even if your pet is happy and healthy, adding CBD to their daily routine can complement their overall wellness and help your best friend live their best life. It's easy to get started, and you can find so many options that fit easily into your busy schedule in different products, strengths, and flavors sure to please even the most picky pooch or finicky feline! You will be helping support their mental and physical well-being and providing them all the powerful properties of the hemp-based goodness that is CBD.

Want to Celebrate National Pet CBD Month?

Source: Paw CBD

Paw CBD takes education seriously, knowing how CBD can help so many pets live happy, healthy lives. But we also know how to have some fun! All month long, we will be launching NEW products, running special promotions, and offering a chance to win $1,000 in prizes! If you're already on our email list, look for a new promo each week. You can also visit our website to check out our special National Pet CBD Month page featuring our new product reveals and to enter our sweepstakes.

Want to get in on the wellness fun? It's easy! Here are a few ways to start.

  • Learn more about how CBD can help your feline friend or canine companion.
  • If you haven't already, find the right CBD oil, treat, or topical for your pet.
  • Visit pawcbd.com during October for promos, NEW products, and to enter our giveaway!

    Celebrate Your Pet's Wellness This Month and Every Month!
    While Paw CBD makes it our mission all year long to educate pet owners on the many benefits of CBD, October is our month to shine. We are passionate about helping our best friends live their best lives, and we think CBD is the perfect wellness option for both cats and dogs. So whether your pet is already enjoying all the benefits of CBD or you're curious to discover how it can complement your pet's wellness goals, we encourage you to learn more.

    Sponsored content.

    This story is part of our special report: "Paw CBD". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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